Monday, July 26, 2004

Our weekend

We had a busy weekend. Oma and Opa were here as well as Tante Sara. It was Oma's birthday and on Friday we met her in Menlo Park for lunch after her spa appointment. Then Saturday we went to the beach and had a picnic. The beach is pretty much the best place in the world as far as Naomi is concerned. She found a stick which was the toy du jour. Funny how she loves some simple thing like that and comes up with all sorts of games to play with it while the sack of toys brought from home were not interesting. In spite of the fact that the bulldozer could finally be used.
Julia was lulled to sleep by the ocean sounds I guess and napped most of the time. I was worried that Julia would get sunburned but I guess we managed to keep her in the shade.

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