Tuesday, April 07, 2009

An ordinary day

Originally uploaded by jjs_37
Cats sleeping. making soup (and drawing the vegetables first) and home made bread. The bread was done late and we ate dinner late. Oh well. The irony in the fact that it was late because I was working in my sketchbook is not lost on me.
We are cat sitting but we all love having animals around so I see a pet in our future.

Filling the sketchbook

Originally uploaded by jjs_37

The paper

Originally uploaded by jjs_37
Folded and cut and ready to fold up and insert. A good tutorial of how I did this is at http://ninajohansson.blogspot.com/2008/01/fold-simple-sketchbook.html
Then I slipped the first and last page into the tyvek envelopes that are glued to a hard cover. Once I fill this set I can take it out, flip it over and use the other side. Then I can use a new sheet as needed.

A refillable sketchbook

Originally uploaded by jjs_37
With a whole sheet of Arches cold press inside of it.

The inside cover of the sketchbook

Originally uploaded by jjs_37
decorated with spray inks

Sketchbook in reserve

Originally uploaded by jjs_37
I am almost done with my Brenda book so I had to have another exquisite sketchbook lined up. I am still hoping for a new Brenda book for Mother's day but in the meantime I need something so that I don't grind to a complete halt. So I made my own with watercolor paper in it and everything. I collaged a cover piece of paper and then reinforced by ironing it to a piece of fabric. Then I sewed folios of hot press and cold press watercolor paper inside of it. I created a velcro closure to make it fit. I feel very pleased by it and I can't wait to use it.