Thursday, December 27, 2007
Amaryllis 1
Amaryllis 2
Amaryllis 3
Non photo blue pencil, Koh-I-Noor rapidosketch pen and watercolor pencils.
Amaryllis the rest of the story...
I do like the way the watercolor pencils are working for me and I like the paper texture in the sketchbook I have right now. It is an Artist's drawing pad What I don't like about it is the orientation of the spine, the fact that it does not lay flat, and that the cover is not stiff.
I like the fact that I can fit it into a folder that holds 13 pencils though that is hardly enough pencils for me.
I am looking for the ultimate sketchbook... but more on that later.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Snowman candle
Why get the broom you ask? Well, it is the every day matters prompt. Check out and all will be clear.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Birdfeeder gets some action
If I am doing a lot of nature sketching or even sketching and drawing in general, I notice more things in general. I don't know if it is because I am looking for things to draw or for some other reason, but I notice the world around me better if I am drawing a lot.
I have been working in a sketch book that I got as part of a class. I actually like the 6x9 size and I also quite like the toothieness of the paper. It works well with the watercolor pencils and does not fall apart if you wet it slightly.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Tree trimming
The girls sat on the kitchen counter and watched them working in our tree through the front window. We watched them for nearly an hour and I sketched this tree while trying to keep everyone from fall off the counter. N suggested that perhaps the tree had gum in its hair.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Julia's pony ride
More Pictures coming
Don't buy this!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Vampire and Wonderwoman
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Food fights
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What color crayon am I???
You Are a Green Crayon |
Your world is colored in harmonious, peaceful, natural colors. While some may associate green with money, you are one of the least materialistic people around. Comfort is important to you. You like to feel as relaxed as possible - and you try to make others feel at ease. You're very happy with who you are, and it certainly shows! Your color wheel opposite is red. Every time you feel grounded, a red person does their best to shake you. |
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
knitted flowers
Speaking of VK, there is a sweater in there that I covet. OF course, since it is in a knitting magazine it is not simply a matter of yearning for it and then BUYING it somehow. I have to buy the yarn and knit it. Unfortunately this is not discouraging me. The endless variation in yarn and the dream of this sweater is making me insane even though it is a heavily cabled "cone of silence" type of project.
And it would go perfectly with my million dollar dress (more on that another time) and it is a very classic sweater.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
School Madness
Julia is going to be exhausted and then we are going to Asilomar. Well, that I am looking forward to. It's to be a wedding party for our friends Chris and Birgitte. We went to their wedding in Copenhagen where I was reinspired to ride my bike. Well, you all know how that ended up.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Journey ATC
Now I want to try it with slf striping yarn but first I must obses over mobius scarves.
Baby J cardigan
Friday, August 31, 2007
Mule rides in Golden Gate Park and School starts
So why am I writing now and not several weeks ago? Well, back to school is a frenzy!
We have the first week behind us and Naomi is in teacher Ellen's class. She seems really nice and I think it will be an exciting year. She seems the kind of teacher who is aligned with my way of thinking and this goes a long way towards placating me in the process of having a curriculum forced down my (or is it Naomi's) throat that I am not excited about. But don't get me started about that.
The most exciting thing of course has been that I have been riding the bike to pick Naomi up at school and she has been wanting me to meet her at the flagpole all week. Today I did it. I waited outside at the flagpole for her and she put her stuff in the bags, put on the helmet and hopped on. I must say that we have been quite the news at school and we even inspired someone else to ride their bike! Who knows... This could be the start of something new - to quote a song from Naomi's favorite movie...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
For now I have a fun tinkle bell.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Knitting ADD
pssst there is also a super secret bootie project that I can't seem to finish for Sara since I just don't want to do the second one...
Yup! Knitting ADD
Monday, July 02, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Here is another mini painting I did for an ATC (Artist Trading Card) exchange. I think I will send this one out. It is pretty challenging to do something this small format but I am getting used to it. I of course try to find a flower that can illustrate the theme for the exchange. The theme was "At water's edge" and this is a lotus flower.
What is an ATC? It is a small format bit of art that you exchange. 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Well, I was stumped on this theme "reach for the stars" for a while but then the star jasmine bloomed and the strong scent made me think of it. Anytime I can fit a flower to a theme is fine with me. Now I just have to mail this.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Target practice
Naomi drew a monster to put on the window and shoot marhmallows at. That will kill the monster... At least there is no way you can break the window.
The plans...
Adam and Naomi have wanted Marshmallow guns since Christmas, so Adam got the plans from Make magazine and decided this would be a good project for the girls. After reading the plans and all the measuring and assembling, I think it was actually kind of educational. The marshmallows go pretty far. I get bombarded with marshmallows every time I go into the backyard. Naomi does not understand why she is not allowed to play with it in the front yard.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Artist trading cards
I am participating in an artist trading card exchange (see I told you I am procrastinating). You make 2.5 by 3.5 little original art works and then send one out to your exchange partner. Here is the one I made for April with the theme "a world in bloom". Managed to mail it out on the deadline so I am feeling pretty pleased. Of course it shouldn't be that hard to make a teeny tiny piece of art in a month. Still, I think the small canvas has it's own challenges.
She did win the prize - an ice cream after school on Thursday - and I am really proud of her. She decided to participate, and took ownership of this project and really did it. To replace TV they listened to books on tape while I was fixing dinner. That is almost like being read to...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Live model drawing
My friend Julie had hired a model to sit for a painting for her while I took care of hte kids. When julie was done, I went down to her studio (she has a real studio!) and I drew the model for a while. Time goes really fast when you are just in your other brain.
This photo is a mirror image of the actual drawing and I can see lots of different things in it now that did not work out so well, but I am generally pleased with the resuult.
The name of the model (who usually does childrens parties and corporate events etc) was Super Gigi. Super Gigi! I just love that.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The cutest shoes
I broke down and bought the girls shoes at Nordstrom. I was sick of argueing over what shoes to wear on PE day, Julia had grown out of her shoes and I wanted pretty and sensible good shoes that last for both of them. This was an expensive proposition, but we did it. We got cute, sparkly practical shoes for the summer.
Then Julia lost one shoe. When we crossed the street she tripped near the storm drain and caught her foot in the drain opening and her shoe slipped off. I couldn't see the shoe down in the drain, let alone get it back. Nobody was hurt, but Naomi was terribly upset. She felt that Julia must feel really sad about her lost shoe. Julia just kept walking along with only one shoe and didn't seem bothered one bit. Well, now I will order another pair of shoes like this.
Some raccoon is hoping for the other shoe to come down though...
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Julia in Dress
I can't get Juliia and Naomi to get in the same spot at the same time. Mosty it is the Easter morning sugar doing its job. The girls were up beefore the crack of dawn and we found the easter baskets and then went on the egg hunt around the house and garden. (Shhh there are still eggs out there) Of course they ate some candy right away and now they are hopped up on sugar.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
the Fairy
Julia is wearing her favorite costume (tinkerbell) because we went to a fairy birthday party.